Add spots
You can help us adding new spots, in return you'll get some nice forecasts and alerts for your local spots. The best way to start is to check current available spots in your local area. Using the search box and the spots map you'll easily find if anyone is missing.
- Check your spot doesn't already exists
- Type the correct spot name and location details
- Zoom in and drap the marker to the exact location
Please, contact us if you need some help.
You can help us to improve translations, we'll be happy to add you in any of the language teams. Maybe you'd like to start a new language, in that case you could be that language team leader.
All language collaborators will be rewarded with unlimited access to all future premium features, when released.
Please, contact us if you are interested in helping with translations.
Current languages
Language | Progress | |
Catalá | 75% | |
Deutsch | 100% | |
English | 100% | |
Español | 100% | |
Français | 100% | |
Nederlands | 95% | |
Português | 85% | |
Suomi | 100% | |
中文 | 75% |
Things to do
- Translate Wisuki to new languages
- Complete current languages
- Fix wrong translations
How to proceed
- If you're not already registered at Wisuki, please Register.
- Contact us and tell us a bit about you, about your preferred language, and how you think you can help us with translations.
- We'll confirm you as a language team member or a team leader.
- We'll send you a translation file (a .po file) you will be able to work with, and when you are happy with your translations, you'll send back the translation file.
- The team leader will review the translations, and add them to the site.
- Edit translation files with Poedit (download)
- Check yet translated records to use a consistent vocabulary
- Check fuzzy records and try to fix them
- Translate untranslated records
- Don't change HTML tags between < and >
- Don't change any strange char like %s or %d
- Try to use the English version for words: Spot, Swell, Widget
Wisuki team
- Pedro Riera Sardá: Management
- Sabine Hipp: Administration
- Kus Cámara: Development
- Daniel Villa: Development
- Pasi Rahikka: Finnish translation. Webmaster at
- Aysegul: Chinese translation.
- Vivi: French translation.
- Jose Ortega: Testing and feedback.
- Marcel Riudavets: Testing and feedback.
- Carlos Horstmann: Testing and feedback.
- Jaime Sanabria: Testing and feedback.